Questions about these marks should be sent to Jerry Francis 60-205-01 12-Mar-15 Index ID Number Mark Comments ===================================================================================================================================================== 103850940 4 Incomplete Boiler Plate; br tags are incorrect should be br />; 103992116 3 Back to classlink not coded correctly. unix is case sensitive. should be alao;br tags are missing he space between the r and the /;missing a closing div tag 103604206 4 Incomplete Boilerplate; missing a the last closing div tag; 103939746 3 body tags are to be after the head tags;too many opening body and head tags; only need one of closing html tag ;all code should be inside the body tags; 103423070 0 No Index Page Found 103625119 4 hr tag is not closed correctly missing the /;align spelled incorrectly;center tag is deprecated;br tags are incorrect s/b br />;images need to be on the server; 103649812 4 incomplete boilerplate;too many body tags; only require one;missing a closing h1 tag; 104138580 2 -1 incorrect file name Should be index.html,Project needs to be a biography;img tag missing height and width attributes;no return to class list;all code should be inside the body tags; 104052833 2 -1 no folder on electron;no boiler plate;all code should be inside the body tags;br tags incorrect should be br />;no return to your name on the class list;missing one closing p tag 104011984 0 No Index Page Found 103999405 4 extra opening table tag;no closing body and html tag; 103995906 4 img tag is missing the height and width attributes and not closed correctly;hr tags not closed correctly; 103738462 4 Missing the Boilerplate;too may body tags only one required;several missing closing list tags;br tags not closed correctly; 104211964 4 br tags should have a space betweeb the r and the /;missing a closing div tag 103554457 5 Good Job 103826538 4 you have several tags closed out of order; hr tags are not closed correctly;img tag is missing the height attribute and not closed correctly 104274345 4 too many body tags only need one opening and one closing;missing a closing font tag;missing a closing html tag; 103849005 3 -1 no folders on electron, file name should be index.html;too many html tags;there should be no code between the closing head tag and the opening body tag;too many opening ul tags 103622172 4 incomplete boilerplate;center tag has been deprecated and is not to be used; 104139222 4 too many opening body tags;hr and br tags not closed correctly;several div tags are not closed; 104192805 4 br tag is not closed correctly should be br />; 103620338 4 img tag is missing the height and width attributes;missing a closing font tag 103608165 5 Good Job 104207419 5 Good Job 103813792 4 no Boilerplate; too many opening body tags; only one required after the closing head tag;images are to be on electron not the internet;2 br tags are code incorrectly 103967769 3 -1 no folders on Electron, file name should be index.html;missing a closing font tag;list tags are incorrect;missing a closing font tag 103273512 4 br tag are coded in correctly should be br />;missing a closing P tag, All Code should be inside the body tags; 103622925 0 No Index Page Found 104084074 0 No Index Page Found 103704500 3 -1 filename needs to be index.html;center tag has been deprecated do not use;br and hr tags are not closed;last list item tag is missing the >; 103594035 4 center tag is deprecated do not use it; br tag is not closed should be br />; 103963316 0 No Index Page Found 104209961 0 No Index Page Found 103428592 5 Good Job 103400930 4 img and br tags are not closed 104204472 4 br tags are not closed, should be br />; 103621700 4 all code should be inside the body tags; 103776318 3 img tag is not closed;return to classlist is incorrect; 880113270 4 too many opening html tags; all code should be inside the body tags;br tags missing the space betwqeen the r and the /; 104160541 3 Does not return to your name on class list as required;img tag is not closed missing the /> 100813407 3 does not return to the class list as required;all code should be inside the body tags; 103698490 4 No Boilerplate;br tags are coded incorrectly s/b br />; 103460969 0 No Index Page Found 103605948 4 missing closing font tag;br tag is missing the space between r and /;several typo's in your closing tags / is first then the tag;missing 2 closing p tags;no closing body or html tags 104113112 3 missing DOCTYPE in Boilerplate;missing closing h1 and font tags;image files need to be on electron not the internet;img tag is not closed;return to classlist does not work;no Closing html tag 104311101 3 Topic is to be a biography;too many opening html tag;no head tags;no opening or closing table tag, td closing tags s/b /td>;images are to be on electron;missing several closing p tags;missing a closing font tag; too many closing body tag; 104238233 4 missing one closing p tag and one closing font tag; 103820813 0 No Index Page Found 104140538 4 too many opening doctype and html tags;img tag is not closed correctly; 104101838 4 Too many opening body tags;Center tag is deprecated do not use it;img tag is not closed corrctly and missing the height and width attributes;all tags are to be in lowewr case; missing all closing li tags;br tags are coded incorrect s/b br />;all coding should be inside the body tags; 104285190 3 all tags are to be in lowercase;this is to be a biography;please check the rules page;br tags are missing the closing / should be br />;back to classlist does not return to your name as required; 104214316 4 missing = and spaces between some attributes; center tag is deprecated do not use it;too many opening table tags;missing closing font tags; 104115316 4 center tag has been deprecated do not use it;missing spaces between attributres;br tags coded inconsistently s/n br />;all coding should be inside the body tags; 103958242 4 incomplete boilerplate; center tag is deprecated do not use it;missing closing td tag;missing a closing font tag;all br tags s/b coded br />; 103909192 4 class list link does not return to your name on the classlist as requested; 104046230 0 No Index Page Found 103788456 4 images need to be on electron not the internet;center tag has been deprecated do not use it;all code should be inside the body tags; 103483661 1 submission late(-1);no content;no class link;no mail to;no image; 103920410 2 -1 File name needs to be index.html;missing a closing table tag;images need to be on electron not the internet;center tag is deprecated do not use it;return to class list does not return to your name as required;all code should be inside the body tags; 103820138 3 missing boilerplate;missing spaces between attributes;img tag is not closed correctly;missing a closing h2 tag;Back to class list does not return to your name as required; 104341531 0 No Index Page Found 104188631 4 img br and hr tags are missing the space before the /; 103168863 4 All code belongs inside the body tags;too many opening body tag;br tags should be br />;missing the closing ul tag;too many opeing p tag for the number of closing p tags; 103703127 4 hr and br tag missing space before the /; missing the closing big; 104266379 4 opening html tag is missing the l in html;all img and br tags are not closed; missing the closing html tag; 104229312 4 no boilerplate;center tag is deprecated do not use it;img tag missing the space before the /;br tags are not closed; 104004919 5 Good Job 104044531 0 No Index Page Found 104087617 5 Good Job 102523968 4 br tags are coded incorrectly should be br />; 103667597 3 img tag is not closed; class list does not return to your name on the class list as required; 103955676 3 no boilerplate;too many body tag; only one required;should be after the closing head tag;closing tag out of order;missing closing uland ol tags;missing a closing tr tag;img tag missing the height and width attributes;br tag not closedall code to be inside the body tags;class list does not return your name as required 104135981 3 -1 No folders on Electron file name needs to be index.htm;Too many opening and closing body tags;check the tag closing order;img tag is missing the height and width attributes;return to class list does not work. remove the capital T;missing a closing fon 103640655 5 NO CSS, inline styles only please. 104120851 0 No Index Page Found 104131910 3 -1 filename needs to be index.html;missing closing font tags;this project is a biography. please check the rules page. 103587891 4 hr and br missing the space before the /; 103778129 4 closing li tag with no opening li tag;br tag mo closed should br br />; 104253735 3 -1 filename needs to be index.html;too many body tags;br tags coded incorrectly should be br />missing a closing div tag;img tag missing the height and width attributes;no closing body or html tags; 103308915 4 Incomplete boilerplate;hr tag is not closed; class list does not return to your name as required; 103685238 5 Good Job 104192603 3 incomplete boilerplate;Code generators are not to be used for these assignments;br tags not closed; Classlist does not return to your name on the class list as required; img tag no closed correctly and missing the width attribute;